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developing skills takes direction and consistency.

we’re here to help*

* ”and make you suffer” - Ulrik


the focus



Applying a systematic approach to learning the skill of balancing on your hands. In this coaching, we break down the components of a handstand developing the strength, flexibility, and understanding of the practice. Whether you are just starting with your handstand journey or working towards advanced moves, we will help you develop:

  • Straight Handstand

  • Advanced Shape Coordination

  • Press To Handstand



Improving the strength and control of moving your body through space. In this coaching, we explore the development of bodyweight strength moves by building foundations, developing stability and . No matter if you’re just exploring calisthenics or developing advanced skills we will guide you to:

  • Planche

  • Front Lever

  • Handstand Push Up

  • One Arm Chin Up



We take a multi-discipline approach by combining strength and flexibility drills to not only improve your ranges of motion but gain control within them. If you just want to touch your toes or access more advanced skills in your future physical practice, we will focus on:

  • Pike

  • Front Split

  • Middle Split

  • Pancake

  • Bridge


the method

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Assessment & Programming

Every member begins the coaching with an assessment process to help match the right program and coach to you. Programs provide you with a blueprint to develop the skills you want to achieve. New phases are released to the group and are updated to progress with you, introducing new concepts, skills, and methods.



Form Review & Feedback

Coaches will review your training clips and provide insight and advice to keep your training on track. This also will help inform individual adjustments to programs so your training plan meets your needs.



Community & Content

As a member, you’re part of a wider community of like-minded individuals working on their handstands, strength, and flexibility goals. Alongside this, you will get access to:

  • Discord Group Server

  • Monthly AMAs with the coaches

  • Exclusive Content & Tutorials


the coaches


Tom Merrick

Tom is the founder of the Bodyweight Warrior YouTube channel with over 600k subscribers and 60m views. Over the years Tom has produced content, worked with clients and taught workshops internationally dedicated to helping other people achieve their bodyweight, handstand, and flexibility goals.


Ulrik Ask Fossum

Ulrik has over 9 years of experience dedicated to handbalancing learning from 0 an adult. Learning from coaches around the world such as Mikael Kristiansen, Kiev Circus School and London School Of Handbalance. He used this to teach hundreds of adults to handstand both online and internationally through workshops.


Erdi Bablii

Erdi has been coaching for over 7 years, focusing specifically on handbalance, mobility and bodyweight strength training producing great results with his students from all over the world. He has studied with Emmet Louis, Charles Poliquin, Ido Portal and others to develop his practice personally and as a coach.


the details

who is it for

  • If you want to train, we want to help. Our programs are adaptable for beginners to advanced

  • It is recommended to have some prior basic experience with handstand, bodyweight and flexibility training

  • Programs range from 3-4 sessions per week lasting 45-90 minutes. However, expect to spend more time if you combine disciplines

what you get

  • Initial assessment and testing to understand your current ability, focus and where you need to work on

  • Access to our programs based on your goals for handstands, bodyweight strength, and flexibility

  • Programs are designed for the group but graded based on the individual to meet your ability and focus

  • Guidance from our coaches from form reviews, answering questions and exclusive content

  • Monthly updates to either programs, live Q&As, guest coaches, challenges and more

how much

  • Joining BSF(beta) is £80 per month for full access to all programs and coaches

  • There is no minimum sign up and can be cancelled at anytime

  • For more details, see our terms of service



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